• support@reefingusa.com

New Vendor Application

Welcome to Reefing USA!

Join us at one or more of our many shows!!

We are working to build a better reefing community. 

To do this we are setting up a series of shows throughout the United States with quality, professional vendors. Our mission is to bring vetted vendors to local reefing communities. Small venues and interactions with local clubs allows all of us to connect on a more personal level. 

Thank you for your interest in being a part of our show.

2025 Reefing USA Vendor Requirements

1. You must have a legitimate coral farm and business license.

2. You must have a professional booth setup. ACRYLIC TANKS ONLY. Backdrop and tablecloth is required. We also recommend 2 retractable banners and some type of swag. We are professionals, we need to look like it. If you need some direction in this, contact support@reefingusa.com

3. All shows will have a limited number of vendors unless we are working with a club. Which we do at times. Spots are first paid, first served.

4. If Saltwater is needed you must contact support@reefingusa.com at least, 2 weeks prior to the show.

5. Vendors will be required to donate 5 coral frags per show to contribute to the front door free swag bag. All bags will be labeled corresponding to the vendor. Feel free to include business cards or coupons to promote your business

6. All vendors are required to share the event they are attending on their social media.   (i.e. sharing to their story, Facebook groups around the show area, sharing to their website). Just one share is required, but the more the better. This is completely FREE, and takes less than 60 seconds.


1. Livestock Vendors: $250 Per Show (Unless specified) (Chicago $300)
Dry Goods Vendors: $175 Per Show

2. 1 or more Social Media Event Share

3. 5 freebie frags for door giveaway

Note- All invoices will be sent via email (Net 7) - failure to pay upon deadline will result in losing spot to another vendor on the waitlist.

● Approximately 8’x8’ Booth Section (10 feet of tanks not allowed).


Vendor Application
First Name
Last Name

Maximum file size: 16.78MB

Maximum file size: 16.78MB

© 2024 Reefing USA. All rights reserved.
© 2024 Reefing USA. All rights reserved.